Commercial Campaign,
Manchester, UK.
Tami was approached to direct a range of films and radio ads for Transport for Greater Manchester that could realistically speak to many different demographics at once.
Based on the brief, Tami wrote the creative, fleshed out several characters and created various scenarios, storyboarding each one as its own video. Tami cast and with worked with actors to create these “characters” which could believably be real people, and location scouted around Manchester to ensure each location was relevant to the character and topic. Tami worked with a writer to ensure that VO and radio copy were on brief and brand, and worked with a composer to create a suite of music for each video and radio ad. Tami directed the VO sessions and radio advert, and sat in with the editor for the duration of the edit. The campaign was shot over 5 days with multiple locations, actors and deliverables.
Production Company: Anattic
Agency: Jam
DOP: Jamie Haigherty